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Usually you don't need to edit too much in the config.ini file as most of the important stuff can be managed via the web interface. Some functionality however can be enabled or tweaked in here. Please be careful with the settings and should you encounter problems, always make sure that you tell us what you changed in here!


Field Value Default
EnableDebugConsole (internal use only) true
EnableLocalFS (internal use only) false
EnableProfiler (internal use only; deprecated) false
EnableWebStream allow the bot to export the audio stream via http or icecast false
ExternalFileBase a path where an external music library is stored
DataDir This can be used to specify the data directory the bot should use. ./data relative to bot
Hostname Hostname to use for the certificate when UseSSL is enabled
InstanceActionLimit number of http requests / actions (per instance and second) before a limit will prevent further actions 6
IsProxied if enabled, the bot will trust proxied headers and use the IPs from there false
License one or more valid licenses
LicenseKey host specific license key; used for license-requests. Don't change it!
ListenHost IP-address the bot should listen on (listen on all interfaces/IP-addresses)
ListenPort Port the bot should listen on 8087
LocalPlayback (internal use only) false
LogFile if specified, output will be logged to this file instead of stdout
MaxBulkOperations number of entries that can be moved with one operation (add to playlist, move to folder and such) 300
LogLevel verbosity of the log 3 (errors and warnings)
Pragma (caution!) used to override database version; DO NOT SET!
RunAsGroup gid to use for privilege drop 0
RunAsUser uid to use for privilege drop 0
SSLCertFile certificate to use for SSL connections
SSLKeyFile private key to use for SSL connections
Token random security token, generated on first start; to change, remove it
TS3Path Path to the TeamSpeak 3 Client executable
UploadLimit maximum number of bytes a file is allowed to have when uploading 83886080 (80M)
UseSSL if set to true, the bot will only accept https-connections; Hostname MUST be specified false
YoutubeDLPath Path the the youtube-dl executable youtube-dl


Field Value Default
AvatarMaxWidth if set, all uploaded avatars will be limited (resized) to this value 0 (no limit)
AvatarMaxHeight if set, all uploaded avatars will be limited (resized) to this value 0 (no limit)
AllowGIF allows avatar to be a GIF


Field Value Default
BufferSize number of bytes to use for buffering (useful to tune on slow connections)
CacheStreamed if streaming via youtube-dl, enabling this will cause the streams to get stored inside the cache directory; please be aware that you have to delete the cache files manually (that's safe to do)
ChunkSize Size in bytes that will determine count of simultaneous download streams (limited by MaxSimultaneousChunkDownloads) 3 MB
MaxDownloadSize maximum size of files to download via youtube-dl
MaxDownloadRate if you want to slow down youtube-dl to prevent traffic spikes, use this
MaxSimultaneousChunkDownloads overall limit of simultaneous download streams per job 10
TimeoutMultiDownloader timeout (in seconds) for chunks of a multi stream download 5 Minutes
TimeoutSingleDownloader time (in seconds) before a downloader cancels 30 Minutes


This section will hold configuration values for used plugins. Please see the manual of the plugin to use for what settings are required.


Field Value Default
AllowReload Enables a script function that allows hot script reloading (added scripts will still need a restart of the bot) false
DevMode If set to true (default is false), all scripts will be reloaded once a script file gets changed. false


Field Value Default
Enable Enable speech recognition; requires additional files to work false


Field Value Default
Delay Throttle XServer events to save CPU cycles (DON'T CHANGE) 0
Debug (internal only) false

DAV (deprecated)🔗

Field Value Default
Enable Enables serving the music files via DAV backend; experimental; deprecated false


Field Value Default
UserAgent Can be used to replace the default user-agent header FFmpeg uses