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The bot can use youtube-dl to download media files from several supported websites.


Once you have installed youtube-dl (as described below for Windows and Linux) you can use chat commands like !yt <url>, !ytdl <url> to play content from any of the supported websites, like YouTube for example.

Alternatively you can also download something in your SinusBot web-interface in the "Upload" Page, under "Download Files". You can also import public playlists from YouTube.


The SinusBot should detect it automatically and commands like !yt, !ytdl, etc. should be available.

Manual Update🔗

Delete the old file and download it again, as described above.


If you face an issue, make sure you have the Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 Redistributable Package (x86) installed.

You should also try updating youtube-dl by re-downloading it as described above.

Try downloading something in your SinusBot web-interface on the "Upload" page and check what it shows in the list. "youtube-dl unavailable" indicates that youtube-dl is not installed correctly; In that case reinstall it as shown above.

For further troubleshooting see the youtube-dl Troubleshooting section for Linux.


Run the following commands but make sure to adjust the paths to match your SinusBot installation:

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install python
cd /opt/sinusbot/
curl -L -O
chmod a+rx youtube-dl
chown sinusbot:sinusbot youtube-dl

Afterwards set YoutubeDLPath = "/opt/sinusbot/youtube-dl" in your config.ini and restart the SinusBot.

Automatic updates🔗

If you want youtube-dl to be updated automatically you can add a cronjob that does this by executing:

echo "0 0 * * * sinusbot /opt/sinusbot/youtube-dl -U --restrict-filenames >/dev/null" > /etc/cron.d/ytdl

Manual Update🔗

Either install it again, as described above, or use youtube-dl -U.

su sinusbot
youtube-dl -U

Note: Replace youtube-dl with the correct path to your youtube-dl file (i.e. /opt/sinusbot/youtube-dl or /usr/local/bin/youtube-dl).


Note: Adjust the paths mentioned here to fit your installation. Replace youtube-dl with the correct path to your youtube-dl file (i.e. /opt/sinusbot/youtube-dl or /usr/local/bin/youtube-dl).

  1. Always make sure that you are using the latest version of youtube-dl (youtube-dl --version). You can upgrade it by running youtube-dl -U (adjust to your own path) - assuming the user you run this with has write permissions.

  2. Try downloading something in your SinusBot web-interface on the "Upload" page and check what it shows in the list.

  3. Try manually downloading something with youtube-dl via the command line. You can do that with youtube-dl -v -i --no-playlist --no-call-home -x <Media URL>
    The sinusbot usually passes the following flags: -i --no-playlist --no-call-home -J -x.

youtube-dl unavailable🔗

The message "youtube-dl unavailable" indicates that youtube-dl is not installed correctly; In that case reinstall it as shown above.

Make sure that the YoutubeDLPath in your config.ini is set to the correct path as described above.

Common issues with outdated youtube-dl🔗

If your error message includes one of the following:

  • Signature extraction failed
  • Download Failed
  • invalid character 'W' looking for beginning of value

Try updating youtube-dl: youtube-dl -U

HTTP Error 403: Forbidden🔗

Remove the signature cache:

su sinusbot
youtube-dl --rm-cache-dir

and then try again.

HTTP Error 429: Too Many Requests or 402: Payment Required🔗

These two error codes indicate that the service (for example YouTube) is blocking your IP address because of overuse. Usually this is a soft block, meaning that you can gain access again after solving a CAPTCHA. Please read the youtube-dl FAQ section for more details.

While this is not a bug, you could at least try the following if you use an IPv6 address:

Create the file /etc/youtube-dl.conf with the content --force-ipv4 and then try again.
You can do this easily with the following command: echo "--force-ipv4" >> /etc/youtube-dl.conf

If you still receive this error afterwards:

This is neither a bug in youtube-dl nor the SinusBot. This error means that YouTube is limiting your IP-address. Unfortunately there is nothing else that you could do other than trying to use a different IP-address.

Note: youtube-dl has network options such as --source-address <ip> to select the correct ip-address in case your server has more than one and --proxy <url> that you can use to route requests over another server with a http(s)/socks proxy, however we will not help you with configuring this as it has nothing to do with the SinusBot itself.

Assuming --restrict-filenames since file system encoding cannot encode all characters. Set the LC_ALL environment variable to fix this.🔗

This is only a warning, not an error, however you can you can solve it by setting your system locale to something ending in UTF-8.

On Debian/Ubuntu you can set your locale with: dpkg-reconfigure locales
Select something (use the arrow keys to navigate and Space to select/deselect items) that ends in UTF-8, e.g. en_US.UTF-8 and confirm your selection (Tab switches the highlighted button/field and Enter activates it).

Afterwards restart your system or your SinusBot to make sure that the changes are applied.